All Sky Camera

All Sky Video 03/09/24

120° All Sky Camera video from Sun set 03/09/24 to Sun rise 04/09/24.

North is up.

00:12 Low cloud heading East, high cloud heading North.

00:17 Vega visible.

00:25 Turned off security camera infrared light.

00:37 Saturn rising in the South East.

01:00 Milky Way Visible.

01:05 Andromeda Galaxy visible.

01:06 Pleiades rising.

01:23 Jupiter rising.

01:25 Hyades rising.

01:43 Total cloud cover. Hot pixels evident.

02:00 Neighbour's security lighting South East.

Star Trails 03/09/24

All Sky Video 28/08/24

120° All Sky Camera video from Sun set 28/08/24 to Sun rise 29/08/24.

North is down.

AP Target is Cygnus Wall part of Caldwell 20 near Deneb.

1.20 Vega visible

2.00 Deneb visible

2.15 Low Airplane

2.30 Plough and Cassiopeia

2.40 Saturn

3.00 Milky Way evident

3.04 Meteor

3.14 Neighbour's light

3.15 Meteor

3.25 Andromeda Galaxy

4.00 50% cloud cover from the West

4.20 Meteor

4.45 80% cloud cover, target still visible 

5.20 Clouds clearing

5.25 Pleiades rising

5.30 Capella rising

5.35 Something happening between Cassiopeia and Andromeda

5.40 Twin Meteors

5.50 Hyades rising

6.00 Moon rising

6.45 Target clouded out

Star Trails 28/08/24

All Sky Video 20/08/24

120° All Sky Camera video from Sun set 20/08/24 to Sun rise 21/08/24.

North is down.

Neighbour's tree to the West.

Youth Club external lighting WNW

1:44 Vega visible

2:20 Youth club shuts leaving just the London dome

2:20 Clouds clear at

2:30 Moon above the roof tops

2:30 Perseid

3:05 Perseid

2:55 Bright satellite

3:30 Moon glow starting

4:10 Jupiter, the blur below might be Mars?

Focus needs improvement, should then see M31 on a Moonless night