Emission and Reflection Nebulae

The Tadpoles Nebula

The Tadpoles Nebula and the Letter Y Cluster

IC 410/NGC 1893



500 x 30 seconds each, LRGB (3:1:1:1) because my guiding calibration refuses to work. 

A tad over four hours. 

Significant because it's my 100th astro image! 😁

Stellarium, Pegasus Unity, CPWI, NINA, PHD2. Stacked and Processed in PixInsight 1.9.2. 

The Flame and Horsehead

The Flame Nebula and the Horsehead Nebula

NGC 2024 and B33 IC 434



This is from the third clear night in a Week! I have captured both the Flame and the Horsehead before but not together. The bright star is Alnitak, the Eastern star of Orion's belt. The Flame, next to Alnitak, but in front of, not associated with it, is an Emission nebula and the iconic Horsehead dark nebula Barnard 33 is on the edge of the HII star cloud IC 434.  I captured this with 60 second exposures to help prevent Alnitak from becoming too saturated. 219 x 60 second LRGB. 3 hours 40 minutes total exposure. Humidity and frost threatened the session again so I parked the scope at 22:20 just prior to the meridian flip. There was a waxing gibbous Moon not too far away so I'm pleased this came out as well as it did. The PI Lockhart Gradient Removal Tool is a life saver!

Stellarium, Pegasus Unity, CPWI, NINA, PHD2. Stacked and Processed in PixInsight 1.9.2. 

The Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula

Messier 42

NGC 1976



The Orion Nebula M42 is a diffuse nebula in Taurus just below Orion's belt. It is one of the brightest nebulae and is visible with the naked eye. My mount refused to guide so I captured this one with 30 second exposures. 144 x 30 second LRGB. 1 hour 12 minutes total exposure. Humidity and frost ended the session again.

Stellarium, Pegasus Unity, CPWI, NINA, PHD2. Stacked and Processed in PixInsight 1.9.2. 

The Rosette Nebula

The Rosette Nebula

Caldwell 49 and Caldwell 50

NGC 2244 and NGC 2238



The Rosette Nebula C49 is the H II region of a giant gas cloud. The stars in the Open Star Cluster C50 formed in the nebula. This is my first astro image for 2025. 59 x L, 19 x RGB @ 180 seconds. Total integration is 5 hours 48 minutes. I could have done another hour or so but the temperature had dropped to -3°C and the humidity was at 99% all night. Everything was covered in frost.

Stellarium, Pegasus Unity, CPWI, NINA, PHD2. Stacked and Processed in PixInsight. 

The Cygnus Wall 

The Cygnus Wall 

C20, NGC 7000



Here's my go at Caldwell 20, the North America nebula or more specifically, the Cygnus Wall part of it. Seems to be a popular target this week! I captured data over two nights, 2 hours on 26/08/24 and 7 hours on 27/08/24. The first session was intermittent cloud so I didn't use any of it in the end. The second session was very clear all night long. While I was at it I did an All Sky Video of the night sky. 

54 x 240 seconds Luminance, 17 x 240 seconds RGB. Stellarium, Pegasus Unity, CPWI, NINA, PHD2. Stacked and Processed in PixInsight. The colours are a little unexpected but the Photometric Colour Calibration Process seemed happy with it.

Cygnus Emission Nebula

Cygnus Emission Nebula




34 x L, 10 x R, 8 x G, 8 x B all at 180seconds. Flats and Darks. 3 hours integration.

I tried the ASI1600MM on the back of the new Refractor. So I went for an LRGB of NGC6914 in Cygnus, a reflection nebula near Sadr in a large emission nebula intermingled with dark nebula too. Looks like one of the blue subs had a satellite trail that didn't get Winsorize Sigma clipped. I should probably blink and process them again. And I need to do the filter offsets again, the blues were not quite in focus. My guiding could have been better, I'm sure the AVX can do better! More tweaking and twiddling required!

The Butterfly of Sadr

The Butterfly of Sadr 

Barnard 347

IC 1318



My Flat frames didn't give an even spread of light and caused the blue speckly blob in the centre. And the flats don't have appeared to have calibrated the Lights. The PI WBPP Script gave a warning about the Master Flat not being used. So I didn't spend too much time processing. Good to see the AVX tracking so well. I need an EAF but maybe I won't bother with a guide scope, I'll just get 500 x 30 second subs with a platesolve/recentre every half an hour!

Monkey Head Nebula

The Monkey Head Nebula 19/01/24




The Monkey Head Nebula is an H II Emission Nebula located in the constellation Orion surrounding the open star cluster Collinder 84. North is down.

My first LRGB image of 2024. Captured over 4 nights, the first 3 sessions ended prematurely due to -3°C temperatures causing equipment disconnections. After blinking out the guiding lost star dodgy frames I stacked 30 X L, 24 x R, 6 x G, 8 x B all at 3 minutes exposure. 3 hours 24 minutes integration.

NGC2175 is one of the January targets in TheSkySearchers.com Monthly Challenge.

The Fish Head Nebula

The Fish Head Nebula



The Fish Head is an Emission Nebula forming part of the larger Heart Nebula in Cassiopeia. 

Captured in LRGB from 22:00 till my guiding packed up! The light wind had become a bit too gusty. 13 luminance frames, 6 red frames, 6 green frames and 5 blue frames all at 300 seconds. 2.5 hours total integration. Darks, Flats and Dark Flats.

Pickering's Triangle

Supernova Remanent



This is Pickering's Triangle, a cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust, part of the Veil Supernova remanent in Cygnus. I've named the files NGC6979, this is close by but is incorrect! This part of the remanent never made it into any of the main catalogues. Captured over three nights 09, 11 and 13 September, each night from astronomical dusk until the humidity topped 95%. L x 29, R x 12, G x 13, B x 13 at 5 minutes each. 5.5 hours integration, my longest ever! Captured with NINA/PHD2. Processed in Pixinsight.

The image won the TSS APOD award for 17/09/23

Soul Nebula


25 x 360 seconds


Emission Nebula



Had to crop out the shadow of the OAG. And missed the target! IC1871 is at the bottom of the image.

Crescent Nebula

NGC 6888

Caldwell 27

Supervova Remnant



132 x 60 seconds

First session using the new ZWO OAG.

Crescent Nebula

NGC 6888

Caldwell 27

Supervova Remnant



18 x 240 seconds

Last time out using the 80mm guide scope.

Bubble Nebula

NGC 7635

Caldwell 11

H II Region Emission Nebula



45 x 300 seconds

Stopped when the neighbour's pear tree got in the way!

Fossil Footprint Nebula

NGC 1491

LBN 704

Bright Nebula



40 x 240 seconds

A Stellerium find.

Flame Nebula

NGC 2024


Emission Nebula



20 x 420 seconds

Full Moon bleaching the detail out of the image.

Bubble Nebula

NGC 7635

Caldwell 11

Planetary Nebula



This one was my favourite image for a while.

Iris Nebula

NGC 7023

Caldwell 4

Reflection Nebula



25 x 360 seconds

Best image to date! 3 hour imaging session. Good guiding at 0.58.

Cocoon Nebula

NGC 6960

Caldwell 19

Reflection/Emission Nebula



32 x 240 seconds

Very high humidity. Lots of hairdrier action.